We’ll provide you with the tools and methods to manage your own professional future. This personalized program will enable you to transform the job search cycle into an opportunity for personal and professional growth with a structured, success-oriented approach. Note that the content of our meetings remains CONFIDENTIAL. We simply inform your ex-employer that the service has been rendered!

Introspection zone

Career assessment


Communication tools

Human Resources Marketing: who am I?

It is essential to:

Get to know your professional DNA so you can answer the question: who are you?

understand the LOGIC of your career path, your common thread,

understand what motivates you today

know what you represent as a relevant value proposition for your future employer

Identifying your talents isn’t enough.

You also need to know what you want to do in the coming months with the wealth of expertise you’ve built up.

Action Mode

Marketing Plan

Communication and networking strategies

Interview techniques and interview simulation

Career planning: search strategy

To be successful, you’ll need to design and implement a customized search strategy that takes into account your service offering AND the business realities of your target sectors..

I have known Carole for many years, and she has supported and mentored me on multiple occasions when I’ve reached a crossroad in my career. Her patience, responsiveness, and always having my best interests at heart have helped me make the right choices at the right times. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for career counseling services.

Kalpana M.