Last Modified: June 12, 2024

At La Boutique Carrière inc., we are committed to respecting the privacy of our clients, future clients, and visitors to our website. We have taken and will continue to take the necessary steps to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information we possess. La Boutique Carrière inc. recognizes the importance of your privacy and the sensitive nature of your personal information.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you of the practices of La Boutique Carrière inc. regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information that may be provided through accessing or using our website or that may otherwise be collected by our team (e.g., via telephone).

This policy explains why we collect personal information, what we do with it, the measures taken to ensure the security of access to this information, the retention period and data destruction process, and the contact information for any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Personal Information Collected

Firstly, it is important to define what personal information is. Law 25 defines personal information as “any information that concerns a natural person and allows, directly or indirectly, to identify them.”

As of September 22, 2023, personal information concerning a person’s role within a company, such as their name, title, function, as well as the address, email address, and phone number of their workplace, is excluded from the application of sections on the collection of personal information and the confidentiality of personal information in the Private Sector Act, in addition to information of a public nature as defined by law.

As part of our activities, we collect and use certain personal information about our clients and prospects. In the “CONTACT” section (first name, last name, email, etc.), such information is requested to process your request, provide our services, and understand your needs to better serve you.

What Do We Do with Your Personal Information?

We transfer the information to the person who will provide the service, and they will use the information solely for professional purposes.

Cookie Policy

La Boutique Carrière inc. website uses cookies and related technologies (for simplicity, all such technologies are referred to as “cookies”). Cookies are also placed by third parties to collect statistics.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file sent by the website pages and stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive or another device. The information stored therein may be returned to our servers or to the servers of the third parties concerned during a subsequent visit.

What is a Script?

A script is a piece of code used to make the website function properly and interactively. This code is executed on our server or on your device.

What is a Web Beacon?

A web beacon is a small piece of invisible text or image used to monitor traffic and store various data related to website usage.

Third Parties

La Boutique Carrière inc. uses third-party services that place cookies, including Google. La Boutique Carrière inc. cannot guarantee that these third parties manage your personal data reliably or securely but must comply with the law. These parties should be considered independent data controllers. It is recommended to read the privacy statements of these companies.

Statistical Cookies

La Boutique Carrière inc. uses statistical cookies to optimize the user experience on its website. With these statistical cookies, La Boutique Carrière inc. obtains insights into the use of its website.


When you visit La Boutique Carrière inc. website for the first time, a pop-up window with an explanation about cookies will be displayed. You have the right to refuse them and to object to the use of non-functional cookies.

You can also disable the use of cookies through your browser, but please note that the website may no longer function correctly.

Enabling/Disabling and Deleting Cookies

You can use your internet browser to automatically or manually delete cookies. You can also specify that certain cookies should not be placed. Another option is to change your browser settings to receive a message each time a cookie is placed. For more information about these options, please refer to the instructions in the Help section of your browser.

Please note that the La Boutique Carrière inc. website may not function correctly if all cookies are disabled. If you delete the cookies in your browser, they will be placed again with your consent when you revisit the website.

Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  1. You can request access to the data processed about you by La Boutique Carrière inc.
  2. You can object to the processing of your personal data.
  3. You can request an overview, in a commonly used format, of the data processed about you.
  4. You can request the correction or deletion of data if they are incorrect or no longer current.
  5. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, subject to contractual or legal restrictions and reasonable notice. You will be informed of the implications of such withdrawal.
  6. You have the right to raise an objection with our organization concerning any non-compliance with PIPEDA and, if the issue is not resolved, with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

To exercise these rights, please contact La Boutique Carrière inc. using the contact information at the bottom of this policy. If you have a complaint about how La Boutique Carrière inc. handles your data, we would like to be informed.

Contact Person

You can exercise the rights provided by this Policy or address any other questions or complaints regarding the practices of La Boutique Carrière inc. concerning the protection of personal information by contacting La Boutique Carrière inc.

Individuals give their consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by us when they accept La Boutique Carrière inc.’s cookie policy.

How is Your Personal Information Protected?

We will maintain the confidentiality of your information and use it only in accordance with this privacy policy. Our internal practices help protect your privacy by limiting employee access to and use of customer data.

La Boutique Carrière inc. has implemented various procedures such as procedures for modifying access to sensitive data, procedures for updating and reviewing the sensitive data register, procedures for deleting and anonymizing sensitive data, and an internal privacy policy.

We employ reasonable security measures to protect against theft, loss, misuse, or alteration of your personal information. However, it is important to note that any information transmitted over the internet can be intercepted by third parties. As such, we cannot and do not assume any responsibility for the theft, loss, misuse, or alteration of any personal information transmitted over the internet.

Protecting personal information is a major concern for us, and we are ready to take appropriate and timely measures in the event of an incident involving personal information, in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Indeed, we have a complaint management procedure, a cybersecurity incident report is completed for any incident causing harm or not, and the sensitive data register is reviewed periodically to capture changes.

Retention and Destruction of Your Personal Information

We retain personal information only as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected or for legal or business purposes. When your personal information is no longer needed, we destroy it or render your personal information non-identifiable (i.e., we modify the information so that it cannot be traced back to or associated with a specific individual).

Contact Us

If you have any questions about La Boutique Carrière inc.’s privacy policy or if you have reason to believe that La Boutique Carrière inc. has not adhered to this privacy policy, you can contact us in writing at:

Privacy Officer
Emmanuel Challier, President
Phone: 514 475-7821

Changes to This Privacy Policy

La Boutique Carrière inc. reserves the right to modify or amend this section at any time and for any reason. It is your responsibility to review it as you are subject to all such modifications. Nothing in this section is intended to create an agreement or contract between La Boutique Carrière inc. and users visiting this site or providing any identifiable information.