Transforming job loss into an opportunity for professional growth and development

About Us

Career management and transition services


You’re about to part company with one or more employees, and you’re looking for experts to help you through the process.

a human approach dedicated to understanding your needs,

preparing communications tailored to your needs,

maintaining a relationship of trust between the parties involved.

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Experiencing a loss of employment is emotionally charged and must be managed properly to initiate a constructive introspection.

regular exchanges with your coach in total confidence,

a rigorous plan for the next steps,

results that live up to your aspirations.

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Carole’s extensive professional experience combined with her interpersonal skills make her an exceptional choice for your career transition and coaching needs. Her perceptive listening skills enable her to quickly target the issues at hand and work on effective, high-quality solutions. Structured, effective, and remarkably kind, Carole puts her whole heart into her projects and is totally dedicated to her clients. A great lady whom I have no hesitation in recommending to you!

Micheline G.